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5. Assuring Future Career Options

Both the Senate JOBS Act and the House Jobs to Compete Act aim to ensure completing a workforce education program also boosts future opportunities beyond that program. The bills do this by requiring that programs eligible for Short-Term Pell have mechanisms through which completion leads to credits that can be applied to a future program in which the participant might enroll to earn a certificate or degree in a related field or vocation. The House PELL Act does not have such a requirement.

Case For

Supporters argue it’s important Workforce Pell doesn’t take us toward features of the European model that are at odds with the American dream. These advocates suggest the time and money individuals invest in workforce programs should also open to them possibilities for future upgrades in their career.

Case Against

Opponents argue that, while improved career opportunities in the future are a plus, earning credits for other related programs or degrees should not be required. They suggest that, if a program meets the other quality requirements, this additional requirement would limit accessibility more than the benefits warrant.