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Welcome Jason Honn

Thank you for joining us!  You’ve been randomly assigned to the Education and Opportunity issue.  The brief focuses on the most promising areas for real bipartisan, commonsense action in the near future.  For example, the brief will review bipartisan proposals to make Pell grants available for professional and technical programs, not just college, and to forgive student loans for disabled vets.  Getting this right could make a big impact on making sure Americans have real opportunities.

And Congress is listening!  We’ve been surprised by how grateful Members of Congress are for our effort to organize around practical, bipartisan action.  Many Members of Congress are eagerly awaiting our results.

Your issue and brief:

Education and Opportunity

We’ll be ready to move on to the third step soon. We’re preparing the brief on Education and Opportunity now and will email you when it’s ready for your review.

The brief will include summaries of the proposals and links so that you don’t have to do research on your own. If you would like to get started now, however, here are a few links that will introduce you to some of the proposals:



Welcome Jason Honn

Thank you for joining us!  You’ve been randomly assigned to the Healthcare Costs issue.  The brief focuses on surprise medical billing because it is the most promising area for real bipartisan, commonsense action in the near future.  Getting this right could make a big impact on the lives of everyday Americans.

And Congress is listening!  Keith Allred, our executive director, has met with the staff of the co-sponsors of the bipartisan legislation the brief reviews as well as staff of the relevant House and Senate committees.  They are grateful for our effort to organize around practical, bipartisan solutions and are eagerly awaiting our results.  Please weigh in a soon as possible because Congress is working on this issue right now.  Your voice could make a real difference.

Your issue and brief:

Healthcare Costs

We’re ready for the third step.  Your brief on Healthcare Costs is ready for your review.  The sooner you weigh in, the bigger the difference your voice will make.





Welcome Jason Honn

Thank you for joining us!  You’ve been randomly assigned to the Congressional Reform issue.  The brief focuses on the kinds of reforms the House Select Committee on Modernization is considering because this committee has been tasked by the Congress with identifying the reforms that would make Congress work better, including making it function in a more bipartisan way.  Getting this right could make Congress more effective in doing the people’s business as the Founders intended.

And the Select Committee is listening!  They invited Keith Allred, our executive director, to testify at a hearing on September 26.  They are grateful for our effort to organize around practical, bipartisan reforms and are eagerly awaiting our results.

Your issue and brief:

Congressional Reform

We’ll be ready to move on to the third step soon.  We’re preparing the brief on Congressional Reform now and will email you when it’s ready for your review.

The brief will include summaries of the proposals and links so that you don’t have to do research on your own.  If you would like to get started now, however, the best thing to do is review the website for the House Select Committee on Modernization of Congress.  You can also watch the hearing at which our executive director testified.