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Bringing Common Sense To American Politics

Our hyper-partisan, special-interest driven politics have created a crisis of common sense in our country.

Through our sister organizations, Republican, Democratic, and independent voters take four steps to bring the common sense to American politics that we need.

Working together, we can identify and champion the solutions wise enough to attract support across the lines that divide us.

Please join us so that we can pass on to our children, and our children’s children, a republic that functions better than it does today.

4 steps to Bring common sense to American Politics

CommonSense American

01. Most Important Issues

Members of CommonSense American chose the most important issues for the organization to brief.

02. Briefs

CommonSense American briefs those issues.

CommonSense American

03. Review & Share

Each member of CommonSense American In Action commits one hour per year to reviewing the brief to which they’re assigned and weighing in.

04. Advocate

Any position that gets a two-thirds consensus becomes the position of CommonSense American in Action, which we then advocate for in the Congress and the White House.